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Useful Resources

Aboriginal and Torrest Strait Islander Respiratory Infection Point-of-Care (POC) Testing Program: 

Explaining Rapid tests for COVID-19

Do Not Enter Sign

Department of Health:

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Statistics - Immunisation Coalition

National Communicable Disease Surveillance Dashboard

Novel Coronavirus 2019 resources for the general public

Novel Coronavirus 2019 resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and remote communities


Aboriginal Health Alerts Coronavirus COVID-19


Resource toolkit for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals

Lung Foundation Australia:

Chronic Wet Cough in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children Fact sheet

Lung Health in First Nations Children Modules

Protect your mob webpage

POCT Guidance Documents

Public Health Laboratory Network

On 15 April 2020, the Public Health Laboratory Network (PHLN) released a statement confirming the safety of use of the GeneXpert system outside of a biosafety cabinet, with training, PPE and appropriate conditions

Read the PHLN statement

World Health Organization

On 13 May 2020, the Word Health Organization (WHO) similar statement about the use of the GeneXpert outside the laboratory framework:

Read the WHO statement

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

On 11 May 2020, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also released a similar statement about the use of the POC outside the laboratory framework:

Read the CDC statement

Australian Government Department of Health National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council

Read the Australian Government NPAAC guidelines for POCT
